BnB solutions for commercial building compliance.
While having a growing business, our client struggled to generate some consistent profits. They lacked transparency and understanding around their financial results and had no system to analyse profitability per revenue stream.
Get quality data for quality decision-making and grow management's financial skills to allow them to understand their results. Make the business profitable.
Double-digit revenue growth with significant profits. Grow the cashflow to sustain the growth. Put systems in place to gain in productivity and increase the Gross Profit margin.
Get quality data for quality decision-making: create Xero codes to analyse data per revenue stream, implement a monthly budget, cashflow forecast and monthly performance reports to analyse data.
Upskill management: business financial understanding - to interpret results and make better decisions and time management - to focus on what creates the biggest impact.
Focus on implementing a system to automate recurring activities and gain productivity
Train the team and plan for further growth
After one year of coaching, the client is on-track to realise a net profit for this financial year exceeding the last 5 years combined! The business is growing fast but systems are in place to facilitate sustainable growth.
If you want a clear, concise action plan to move your business forward then Strategico is the solution for you.
Beyond traditional accounting, we help small businesses strategise their growth, increase profitability and see results. We empower you to achieve your goals.
Here are just a few examples of results - after 12 months of strategic guidance - enjoyed by businesses we’ve helped.
Transform your business ambitions into measurable achievements. Our strategic guidance goes beyond the numbers to unlock your business potential.