
10 tips to pitch and get the sale

As a new business,I need to develop my clientele. I don’t know about you but sales have always been daunting to me.

As a new business,I need to develop my clientele. I don’t know about you but sales have always been daunting to me. I’m generally super confident, I have no doubt about my ability to deliver, I see happy clients every day and yet, when it comes to pitching my services to potential new clients, I lose all confidence. Although I say all the right things, I’m nervous, I try too hard, I don’t know how (and when) to close,and I often end up feeling like a teenager who’s just been friend-zoned!

On Friday,I attended a course about Presentations & Pitching Ideas. It was organized bythe North Chamber of Commerce and presented by #frankaldridge.

So here are the 10 tips I got from the course:

1.    Have a clear goal in mind

Prior to the meeting, spend some time to clearly define what you want out of this specific interaction, what is your main objective. Don’t be too greedy. One step at the time.


2.    People get an instinctive first impression and then try to justify it with logic

According to Forbes, within the first seven seconds of meeting, people will have a solid impression of who you are. They then spend the rest ofthe pitch trying to find logic elements to support the first impression.

3.    Don’t give the solution too early

Spend some time letting people realize how big their problems are. It will help them realize how much relief your solutions will be to them.


4.    Build relationships

It’s not all about business. Every person we meet has a unique story, an interesting life. Get to know each other. Find what you have in common. Build connections.


5.    Two short meetings are better than along one

It will help your audience stay focused and it will help making the connection stronger.


6.    Don’t run the show your way, ask the people what they want, what works for them

Ideally, this should be done prior to the meeting. Ask what they expect and how much time they’re ready to give you.


7.    Don’t talk too much

Spend time to understand what your audience wants, listen, pause for questions along the way. It’s not all about you.


8.    Before parting, clear any concern

Ask if there is anything of concern. Now is your chance to address it –whether it is the price, your team’s experience, a tight deadline, a bad experience or other. Be brief and convincing in your answer – it’s not the time to do another round. Be also trueful and admit your shortcomings or past mistakes.


9.    Never leave without asking what the next step is

Where to from now? Be specific, who needs to do what by when. If there is a second meeting, book it now.


10. Be yourself

Stay true to yourself. Don’t try too hard. It’s all about relationships,be sincere and natural, that’s how true trust is built.

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